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Once upon a time, there was a program called jfinder...
It is being written in Java and it is expected to soon use the JMF framework (hence all the Java enable systems should be supported).
It's a file searcher that will graduatly be used as a media player and a file network transferer, the name of files the user indexates keep in memory, to make a quick search..
I.e. the user wants to watch a documentary about space. He types "doc space", sees all the indexated files, whose the name contains 'doc' and 'space', appeares on a list.
All the indexations will kept on a daemon, hence the indexations may be shared all over the house and can be streamed from a machine to another where it will played.
To sumarize, the program will:
- indexate parts of the hard disks,
- search for the data through the indexations
- share this results with other computers on the network
- stream the file for foreign request [TODO]
- play local and streamed audio (mp3, ogg...) and video( avi, mpg, ogm ...) files.[TODO]
DOWNLOAD jFinder here.
Quickstart guide here
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